Entries by bethemanuel

Counting the Omer – Expect now is the time

March 28, 2021 Tonight we start the counting of the Omer.  For the next 50 days we will count each night as we look forward to Shavuot.  The counting is to be done with great expectation.  It is a season of reflecting on the promises of Adonai as we look to their fulfillment in our […]

For Such A Time As This

February 25, 2021 Shalom Chaverim, Tonight we began celebrating Purim, which commemorates Adonai’s deliverance of our Jewish people from the hands of those who sought our annihilation.  Most of us are familiar with the story.  Our heroine is a young Jewish woman named Hadassah (Esther). As the news of Haman’s plot to kill all the […]

End of Year Encouragement

December 31, 2020 Shalom Chaverim, As we end the year 2020, I wanted to take a few moments to encourage you to have hope and expectation in 2021. None of us could have imagined on January 1, 2020, the year we are finishing today. From a virus to government shutdowns, the year unfolded with many […]

Thanking Adonai in 2020

November 25, 2020 Shalom mispochah, As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow, I wanted to encourage us to really take time to give thanks.  2020 has not turned out to be anything like anyone imagined.  Our lives were turned upside down and inside out. Tragically some people struggled seriously with the virus, and, yes, some of our loved […]

Focus on G-d’s Word

March 31, 2020 It has been awhile since I wrote a “Word for the Week.”  So much has happened in the past three to four weeks that has totally changed the world in which we live.  At this point, most of us are sheltering in our homes in response to our government’s request so that […]