Founding of the congregation
Beth Emanuel Synagogue is a Messianic Jewish Synagogue. It was founded in 1980 to provide a community of faith for Jewish and non Jewish people who have come to the realization that the promised Mashiach of the Tenach had come and His Hebrew name is Yeshua. At Beth Emanuel Synagogue we seek to love the L-rd our G-d with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. We have embraced the Messiah and are excited about telling all who will hear that He has come for the Jewish people and for the nations. There is nothing more Jewish to do than to embrace the Messiah promised in the Hebrew Scriptures.
But he was wounded because of our crimes, crushed because of our sins; the disciplining that makes us whole fell on him, and by his bruises [Or: and in fellowship with him] we are healed. We all, like sheep, went astray; we turned, each one, to his own way; yet Adonai laid on him the guilt of all of us. (Tenach Yeshayahu 53:5-6)
“Our Rabbis with one voice accept and affirm the opinion that the prophet is speaking of the Messiah, and we shall ourselves also adhere to the same view.” Rabbi Moses Alschech (1508-1600)